Les critères de divisibilité : application à la structure set de Python

Vous avez un ensemble de fonctions qui permettent de tester des critères de divisibilité d'un nombre entier. Le but est de déterminer la liste des diviseurs d'un nombre. Dans ce TP vous avez à organiser les tests unitaires des différentes fonctions proposées.

Vous pouvez prolonger ce TP en écrivant les fonctions et les tests pour tester si des nombres sont :

  • premiers
  • parfaits
  • aimables
  • abondants
In [1]:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from math import *
from random import *
In [17]:
import sys
max = sys.maxsize


def estPair(n):
    assert (float(n)).is_integer()
    if str(n)[-1] in ensemble2 :return True
    else : return False

def transforme(n):
    return [int(lettre) for lettre in str(n)]

def estDivisiblePar3(n):
    assert (float(n)).is_integer()
    if sum(transforme(n))%3==0 : return True
    else : return False
def estDiviblePar5(n):
    assert (float(n)).is_integer()
    if str(n)[-1] in ensemble5 : return True
    else :return False 

def diviseurs(n):
    assert (float(n)).is_integer()
    return [x for x in range(1,n+1) if n % x == 0]
In [32]:
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 24, 30, 40, 60, 120]
In [ ]:

Des tests avec unittest de python

In [11]:
import unittest

Help on package unittest:


    Python unit testing framework, based on Erich Gamma's JUnit and Kent Beck's
    Smalltalk testing framework (used with permission).
    This module contains the core framework classes that form the basis of
    specific test cases and suites (TestCase, TestSuite etc.), and also a
    text-based utility class for running the tests and reporting the results
    Simple usage:
        import unittest
        class IntegerArithmeticTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
            def testAdd(self):  # test method names begin with 'test'
                self.assertEqual((1 + 2), 3)
                self.assertEqual(0 + 1, 1)
            def testMultiply(self):
                self.assertEqual((0 * 10), 0)
                self.assertEqual((5 * 8), 40)
        if __name__ == '__main__':
    Further information is available in the bundled documentation, and from
    Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Steve Purcell
    Copyright (c) 2003-2010 Python Software Foundation
    This module is free software, and you may redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the same terms as Python itself, so long as this copyright message
    and disclaimer are retained in their original form.

    test (package)

    class FunctionTestCase(TestCase)
     |  FunctionTestCase(testFunc, setUp=None, tearDown=None, description=None)
     |  A test case that wraps a test function.
     |  This is useful for slipping pre-existing test functions into the
     |  unittest framework. Optionally, set-up and tidy-up functions can be
     |  supplied. As with TestCase, the tidy-up ('tearDown') function will
     |  always be called if the set-up ('setUp') function ran successfully.
     |  Method resolution order:
     |      FunctionTestCase
     |      TestCase
     |      builtins.object
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  __eq__(self, other)
     |      Return self==value.
     |  __hash__(self)
     |      Return hash(self).
     |  __init__(self, testFunc, setUp=None, tearDown=None, description=None)
     |      Create an instance of the class that will use the named test
     |      method when executed. Raises a ValueError if the instance does
     |      not have a method with the specified name.
     |  __repr__(self)
     |      Return repr(self).
     |  __str__(self)
     |      Return str(self).
     |  id(self)
     |  runTest(self)
     |  setUp(self)
     |      Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.
     |  shortDescription(self)
     |      Returns a one-line description of the test, or None if no
     |      description has been provided.
     |      The default implementation of this method returns the first line of
     |      the specified test method's docstring.
     |  tearDown(self)
     |      Hook method for deconstructing the test fixture after testing it.
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Methods inherited from TestCase:
     |  __call__(self, *args, **kwds)
     |      Call self as a function.
     |  addCleanup(self, function, *args, **kwargs)
     |      Add a function, with arguments, to be called when the test is
     |      completed. Functions added are called on a LIFO basis and are
     |      called after tearDown on test failure or success.
     |      Cleanup items are called even if setUp fails (unlike tearDown).
     |  addTypeEqualityFunc(self, typeobj, function)
     |      Add a type specific assertEqual style function to compare a type.
     |      This method is for use by TestCase subclasses that need to register
     |      their own type equality functions to provide nicer error messages.
     |      Args:
     |          typeobj: The data type to call this function on when both values
     |                  are of the same type in assertEqual().
     |          function: The callable taking two arguments and an optional
     |                  msg= argument that raises self.failureException with a
     |                  useful error message when the two arguments are not equal.
     |  assertAlmostEqual(self, first, second, places=None, msg=None, delta=None)
     |      Fail if the two objects are unequal as determined by their
     |      difference rounded to the given number of decimal places
     |      (default 7) and comparing to zero, or by comparing that the
     |      difference between the two objects is more than the given
     |      delta.
     |      Note that decimal places (from zero) are usually not the same
     |      as significant digits (measured from the most significant digit).
     |      If the two objects compare equal then they will automatically
     |      compare almost equal.
     |  assertAlmostEquals = deprecated_func(*args, **kwargs)
     |  assertCountEqual(self, first, second, msg=None)
     |      An unordered sequence comparison asserting that the same elements,
     |      regardless of order.  If the same element occurs more than once,
     |      it verifies that the elements occur the same number of times.
     |          self.assertEqual(Counter(list(first)),
     |                           Counter(list(second)))
     |       Example:
     |          - [0, 1, 1] and [1, 0, 1] compare equal.
     |          - [0, 0, 1] and [0, 1] compare unequal.
     |  assertDictContainsSubset(self, subset, dictionary, msg=None)
     |      Checks whether dictionary is a superset of subset.
     |  assertDictEqual(self, d1, d2, msg=None)
     |  assertEqual(self, first, second, msg=None)
     |      Fail if the two objects are unequal as determined by the '=='
     |      operator.
     |  assertEquals = deprecated_func(*args, **kwargs)
     |  assertFalse(self, expr, msg=None)
     |      Check that the expression is false.
     |  assertGreater(self, a, b, msg=None)
     |      Just like self.assertTrue(a > b), but with a nicer default message.
     |  assertGreaterEqual(self, a, b, msg=None)
     |      Just like self.assertTrue(a >= b), but with a nicer default message.
     |  assertIn(self, member, container, msg=None)
     |      Just like self.assertTrue(a in b), but with a nicer default message.
     |  assertIs(self, expr1, expr2, msg=None)
     |      Just like self.assertTrue(a is b), but with a nicer default message.
     |  assertIsInstance(self, obj, cls, msg=None)
     |      Same as self.assertTrue(isinstance(obj, cls)), with a nicer
     |      default message.
     |  assertIsNone(self, obj, msg=None)
     |      Same as self.assertTrue(obj is None), with a nicer default message.
     |  assertIsNot(self, expr1, expr2, msg=None)
     |      Just like self.assertTrue(a is not b), but with a nicer default message.
     |  assertIsNotNone(self, obj, msg=None)
     |      Included for symmetry with assertIsNone.
     |  assertLess(self, a, b, msg=None)
     |      Just like self.assertTrue(a < b), but with a nicer default message.
     |  assertLessEqual(self, a, b, msg=None)
     |      Just like self.assertTrue(a <= b), but with a nicer default message.
     |  assertListEqual(self, list1, list2, msg=None)
     |      A list-specific equality assertion.
     |      Args:
     |          list1: The first list to compare.
     |          list2: The second list to compare.
     |          msg: Optional message to use on failure instead of a list of
     |                  differences.
     |  assertLogs(self, logger=None, level=None)
     |      Fail unless a log message of level *level* or higher is emitted
     |      on *logger_name* or its children.  If omitted, *level* defaults to
     |      INFO and *logger* defaults to the root logger.
     |      This method must be used as a context manager, and will yield
     |      a recording object with two attributes: `output` and `records`.
     |      At the end of the context manager, the `output` attribute will
     |      be a list of the matching formatted log messages and the
     |      `records` attribute will be a list of the corresponding LogRecord
     |      objects.
     |      Example::
     |          with self.assertLogs('foo', level='INFO') as cm:
     |              logging.getLogger('foo').info('first message')
     |              logging.getLogger('foo.bar').error('second message')
     |          self.assertEqual(cm.output, ['INFO:foo:first message',
     |                                       'ERROR:foo.bar:second message'])
     |  assertMultiLineEqual(self, first, second, msg=None)
     |      Assert that two multi-line strings are equal.
     |  assertNotAlmostEqual(self, first, second, places=None, msg=None, delta=None)
     |      Fail if the two objects are equal as determined by their
     |      difference rounded to the given number of decimal places
     |      (default 7) and comparing to zero, or by comparing that the
     |      difference between the two objects is less than the given delta.
     |      Note that decimal places (from zero) are usually not the same
     |      as significant digits (measured from the most significant digit).
     |      Objects that are equal automatically fail.
     |  assertNotAlmostEquals = deprecated_func(*args, **kwargs)
     |  assertNotEqual(self, first, second, msg=None)
     |      Fail if the two objects are equal as determined by the '!='
     |      operator.
     |  assertNotEquals = deprecated_func(*args, **kwargs)
     |  assertNotIn(self, member, container, msg=None)
     |      Just like self.assertTrue(a not in b), but with a nicer default message.
     |  assertNotIsInstance(self, obj, cls, msg=None)
     |      Included for symmetry with assertIsInstance.
     |  assertNotRegex(self, text, unexpected_regex, msg=None)
     |      Fail the test if the text matches the regular expression.
     |  assertNotRegexpMatches = deprecated_func(*args, **kwargs)
     |  assertRaises(self, expected_exception, *args, **kwargs)
     |      Fail unless an exception of class expected_exception is raised
     |      by the callable when invoked with specified positional and
     |      keyword arguments. If a different type of exception is
     |      raised, it will not be caught, and the test case will be
     |      deemed to have suffered an error, exactly as for an
     |      unexpected exception.
     |      If called with the callable and arguments omitted, will return a
     |      context object used like this::
     |           with self.assertRaises(SomeException):
     |               do_something()
     |      An optional keyword argument 'msg' can be provided when assertRaises
     |      is used as a context object.
     |      The context manager keeps a reference to the exception as
     |      the 'exception' attribute. This allows you to inspect the
     |      exception after the assertion::
     |          with self.assertRaises(SomeException) as cm:
     |              do_something()
     |          the_exception = cm.exception
     |          self.assertEqual(the_exception.error_code, 3)
     |  assertRaisesRegex(self, expected_exception, expected_regex, *args, **kwargs)
     |      Asserts that the message in a raised exception matches a regex.
     |      Args:
     |          expected_exception: Exception class expected to be raised.
     |          expected_regex: Regex (re.Pattern object or string) expected
     |                  to be found in error message.
     |          args: Function to be called and extra positional args.
     |          kwargs: Extra kwargs.
     |          msg: Optional message used in case of failure. Can only be used
     |                  when assertRaisesRegex is used as a context manager.
     |  assertRaisesRegexp = deprecated_func(*args, **kwargs)
     |  assertRegex(self, text, expected_regex, msg=None)
     |      Fail the test unless the text matches the regular expression.
     |  assertRegexpMatches = deprecated_func(*args, **kwargs)
     |  assertSequenceEqual(self, seq1, seq2, msg=None, seq_type=None)
     |      An equality assertion for ordered sequences (like lists and tuples).
     |      For the purposes of this function, a valid ordered sequence type is one
     |      which can be indexed, has a length, and has an equality operator.
     |      Args:
     |          seq1: The first sequence to compare.
     |          seq2: The second sequence to compare.
     |          seq_type: The expected datatype of the sequences, or None if no
     |                  datatype should be enforced.
     |          msg: Optional message to use on failure instead of a list of
     |                  differences.
     |  assertSetEqual(self, set1, set2, msg=None)
     |      A set-specific equality assertion.
     |      Args:
     |          set1: The first set to compare.
     |          set2: The second set to compare.
     |          msg: Optional message to use on failure instead of a list of
     |                  differences.
     |      assertSetEqual uses ducktyping to support different types of sets, and
     |      is optimized for sets specifically (parameters must support a
     |      difference method).
     |  assertTrue(self, expr, msg=None)
     |      Check that the expression is true.
     |  assertTupleEqual(self, tuple1, tuple2, msg=None)
     |      A tuple-specific equality assertion.
     |      Args:
     |          tuple1: The first tuple to compare.
     |          tuple2: The second tuple to compare.
     |          msg: Optional message to use on failure instead of a list of
     |                  differences.
     |  assertWarns(self, expected_warning, *args, **kwargs)
     |      Fail unless a warning of class warnClass is triggered
     |      by the callable when invoked with specified positional and
     |      keyword arguments.  If a different type of warning is
     |      triggered, it will not be handled: depending on the other
     |      warning filtering rules in effect, it might be silenced, printed
     |      out, or raised as an exception.
     |      If called with the callable and arguments omitted, will return a
     |      context object used like this::
     |           with self.assertWarns(SomeWarning):
     |               do_something()
     |      An optional keyword argument 'msg' can be provided when assertWarns
     |      is used as a context object.
     |      The context manager keeps a reference to the first matching
     |      warning as the 'warning' attribute; similarly, the 'filename'
     |      and 'lineno' attributes give you information about the line
     |      of Python code from which the warning was triggered.
     |      This allows you to inspect the warning after the assertion::
     |          with self.assertWarns(SomeWarning) as cm:
     |              do_something()
     |          the_warning = cm.warning
     |          self.assertEqual(the_warning.some_attribute, 147)
     |  assertWarnsRegex(self, expected_warning, expected_regex, *args, **kwargs)
     |      Asserts that the message in a triggered warning matches a regexp.
     |      Basic functioning is similar to assertWarns() with the addition
     |      that only warnings whose messages also match the regular expression
     |      are considered successful matches.
     |      Args:
     |          expected_warning: Warning class expected to be triggered.
     |          expected_regex: Regex (re.Pattern object or string) expected
     |                  to be found in error message.
     |          args: Function to be called and extra positional args.
     |          kwargs: Extra kwargs.
     |          msg: Optional message used in case of failure. Can only be used
     |                  when assertWarnsRegex is used as a context manager.
     |  assert_ = deprecated_func(*args, **kwargs)
     |  countTestCases(self)
     |  debug(self)
     |      Run the test without collecting errors in a TestResult
     |  defaultTestResult(self)
     |  doCleanups(self)
     |      Execute all cleanup functions. Normally called for you after
     |      tearDown.
     |  fail(self, msg=None)
     |      Fail immediately, with the given message.
     |  failIf = deprecated_func(*args, **kwargs)
     |  failIfAlmostEqual = deprecated_func(*args, **kwargs)
     |  failIfEqual = deprecated_func(*args, **kwargs)
     |  failUnless = deprecated_func(*args, **kwargs)
     |  failUnlessAlmostEqual = deprecated_func(*args, **kwargs)
     |  failUnlessEqual = deprecated_func(*args, **kwargs)
     |  failUnlessRaises = deprecated_func(*args, **kwargs)
     |  run(self, result=None)
     |  skipTest(self, reason)
     |      Skip this test.
     |  subTest(self, msg=<object object at 0x0000029962766170>, **params)
     |      Return a context manager that will return the enclosed block
     |      of code in a subtest identified by the optional message and
     |      keyword parameters.  A failure in the subtest marks the test
     |      case as failed but resumes execution at the end of the enclosed
     |      block, allowing further test code to be executed.
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Class methods inherited from TestCase:
     |  setUpClass() from builtins.type
     |      Hook method for setting up class fixture before running tests in the class.
     |  tearDownClass() from builtins.type
     |      Hook method for deconstructing the class fixture after running all tests in the class.
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data descriptors inherited from TestCase:
     |  __dict__
     |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
     |  __weakref__
     |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data and other attributes inherited from TestCase:
     |  failureException = <class 'AssertionError'>
     |      Assertion failed.
     |  longMessage = True
     |  maxDiff = 640
    class SkipTest(builtins.Exception)
     |  Raise this exception in a test to skip it.
     |  Usually you can use TestCase.skipTest() or one of the skipping decorators
     |  instead of raising this directly.
     |  Method resolution order:
     |      SkipTest
     |      builtins.Exception
     |      builtins.BaseException
     |      builtins.object
     |  Data descriptors defined here:
     |  __weakref__
     |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Methods inherited from builtins.Exception:
     |  __init__(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
     |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Static methods inherited from builtins.Exception:
     |  __new__(*args, **kwargs) from builtins.type
     |      Create and return a new object.  See help(type) for accurate signature.
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Methods inherited from builtins.BaseException:
     |  __delattr__(self, name, /)
     |      Implement delattr(self, name).
     |  __getattribute__(self, name, /)
     |      Return getattr(self, name).
     |  __reduce__(...)
     |      Helper for pickle.
     |  __repr__(self, /)
     |      Return repr(self).
     |  __setattr__(self, name, value, /)
     |      Implement setattr(self, name, value).
     |  __setstate__(...)
     |  __str__(self, /)
     |      Return str(self).
     |  with_traceback(...)
     |      Exception.with_traceback(tb) --
     |      set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data descriptors inherited from builtins.BaseException:
     |  __cause__
     |      exception cause
     |  __context__
     |      exception context
     |  __dict__
     |  __suppress_context__
     |  __traceback__
     |  args
    class TestCase(builtins.object)
     |  TestCase(methodName='runTest')
     |  A class whose instances are single test cases.
     |  By default, the test code itself should be placed in a method named
     |  'runTest'.
     |  If the fixture may be used for many test cases, create as
     |  many test methods as are needed. When instantiating such a TestCase
     |  subclass, specify in the constructor arguments the name of the test method
     |  that the instance is to execute.
     |  Test authors should subclass TestCase for their own tests. Construction
     |  and deconstruction of the test's environment ('fixture') can be
     |  implemented by overriding the 'setUp' and 'tearDown' methods respectively.
     |  If it is necessary to override the __init__ method, the base class
     |  __init__ method must always be called. It is important that subclasses
     |  should not change the signature of their __init__ method, since instances
     |  of the classes are instantiated automatically by parts of the framework
     |  in order to be run.
     |  When subclassing TestCase, you can set these attributes:
     |  * failureException: determines which exception will be raised when
     |      the instance's assertion methods fail; test methods raising this
     |      exception will be deemed to have 'failed' rather than 'errored'.
     |  * longMessage: determines whether long messages (including repr of
     |      objects used in assert methods) will be printed on failure in *addition*
     |      to any explicit message passed.
     |  * maxDiff: sets the maximum length of a diff in failure messages
     |      by assert methods using difflib. It is looked up as an instance
     |      attribute so can be configured by individual tests if required.
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  __call__(self, *args, **kwds)
     |      Call self as a function.
     |  __eq__(self, other)
     |      Return self==value.
     |  __hash__(self)
     |      Return hash(self).
     |  __init__(self, methodName='runTest')
     |      Create an instance of the class that will use the named test
     |      method when executed. Raises a ValueError if the instance does
     |      not have a method with the specified name.
     |  __repr__(self)
     |      Return repr(self).
     |  __str__(self)
     |      Return str(self).
     |  addCleanup(self, function, *args, **kwargs)
     |      Add a function, with arguments, to be called when the test is
     |      completed. Functions added are called on a LIFO basis and are
     |      called after tearDown on test failure or success.
     |      Cleanup items are called even if setUp fails (unlike tearDown).
     |  addTypeEqualityFunc(self, typeobj, function)
     |      Add a type specific assertEqual style function to compare a type.
     |      This method is for use by TestCase subclasses that need to register
     |      their own type equality functions to provide nicer error messages.
     |      Args:
     |          typeobj: The data type to call this function on when both values
     |                  are of the same type in assertEqual().
     |          function: The callable taking two arguments and an optional
     |                  msg= argument that raises self.failureException with a
     |                  useful error message when the two arguments are not equal.
     |  assertAlmostEqual(self, first, second, places=None, msg=None, delta=None)
     |      Fail if the two objects are unequal as determined by their
     |      difference rounded to the given number of decimal places
     |      (default 7) and comparing to zero, or by comparing that the
     |      difference between the two objects is more than the given
     |      delta.
     |      Note that decimal places (from zero) are usually not the same
     |      as significant digits (measured from the most significant digit).
     |      If the two objects compare equal then they will automatically
     |      compare almost equal.
     |  assertAlmostEquals = deprecated_func(*args, **kwargs)
     |  assertCountEqual(self, first, second, msg=None)
     |      An unordered sequence comparison asserting that the same elements,
     |      regardless of order.  If the same element occurs more than once,
     |      it verifies that the elements occur the same number of times.
     |          self.assertEqual(Counter(list(first)),
     |                           Counter(list(second)))
     |       Example:
     |          - [0, 1, 1] and [1, 0, 1] compare equal.
     |          - [0, 0, 1] and [0, 1] compare unequal.
     |  assertDictContainsSubset(self, subset, dictionary, msg=None)
     |      Checks whether dictionary is a superset of subset.
     |  assertDictEqual(self, d1, d2, msg=None)
     |  assertEqual(self, first, second, msg=None)
     |      Fail if the two objects are unequal as determined by the '=='
     |      operator.
     |  assertEquals = deprecated_func(*args, **kwargs)
     |  assertFalse(self, expr, msg=None)
     |      Check that the expression is false.
     |  assertGreater(self, a, b, msg=None)
     |      Just like self.assertTrue(a > b), but with a nicer default message.
     |  assertGreaterEqual(self, a, b, msg=None)
     |      Just like self.assertTrue(a >= b), but with a nicer default message.
     |  assertIn(self, member, container, msg=None)
     |      Just like self.assertTrue(a in b), but with a nicer default message.
     |  assertIs(self, expr1, expr2, msg=None)
     |      Just like self.assertTrue(a is b), but with a nicer default message.
     |  assertIsInstance(self, obj, cls, msg=None)
     |      Same as self.assertTrue(isinstance(obj, cls)), with a nicer
     |      default message.
     |  assertIsNone(self, obj, msg=None)
     |      Same as self.assertTrue(obj is None), with a nicer default message.
     |  assertIsNot(self, expr1, expr2, msg=None)
     |      Just like self.assertTrue(a is not b), but with a nicer default message.
     |  assertIsNotNone(self, obj, msg=None)
     |      Included for symmetry with assertIsNone.
     |  assertLess(self, a, b, msg=None)
     |      Just like self.assertTrue(a < b), but with a nicer default message.
     |  assertLessEqual(self, a, b, msg=None)
     |      Just like self.assertTrue(a <= b), but with a nicer default message.
     |  assertListEqual(self, list1, list2, msg=None)
     |      A list-specific equality assertion.
     |      Args:
     |          list1: The first list to compare.
     |          list2: The second list to compare.
     |          msg: Optional message to use on failure instead of a list of
     |                  differences.
     |  assertLogs(self, logger=None, level=None)
     |      Fail unless a log message of level *level* or higher is emitted
     |      on *logger_name* or its children.  If omitted, *level* defaults to
     |      INFO and *logger* defaults to the root logger.
     |      This method must be used as a context manager, and will yield
     |      a recording object with two attributes: `output` and `records`.
     |      At the end of the context manager, the `output` attribute will
     |      be a list of the matching formatted log messages and the
     |      `records` attribute will be a list of the corresponding LogRecord
     |      objects.
     |      Example::
     |          with self.assertLogs('foo', level='INFO') as cm:
     |              logging.getLogger('foo').info('first message')
     |              logging.getLogger('foo.bar').error('second message')
     |          self.assertEqual(cm.output, ['INFO:foo:first message',
     |                                       'ERROR:foo.bar:second message'])
     |  assertMultiLineEqual(self, first, second, msg=None)
     |      Assert that two multi-line strings are equal.
     |  assertNotAlmostEqual(self, first, second, places=None, msg=None, delta=None)
     |      Fail if the two objects are equal as determined by their
     |      difference rounded to the given number of decimal places
     |      (default 7) and comparing to zero, or by comparing that the
     |      difference between the two objects is less than the given delta.
     |      Note that decimal places (from zero) are usually not the same
     |      as significant digits (measured from the most significant digit).
     |      Objects that are equal automatically fail.
     |  assertNotAlmostEquals = deprecated_func(*args, **kwargs)
     |  assertNotEqual(self, first, second, msg=None)
     |      Fail if the two objects are equal as determined by the '!='
     |      operator.
     |  assertNotEquals = deprecated_func(*args, **kwargs)
     |  assertNotIn(self, member, container, msg=None)
     |      Just like self.assertTrue(a not in b), but with a nicer default message.
     |  assertNotIsInstance(self, obj, cls, msg=None)
     |      Included for symmetry with assertIsInstance.
     |  assertNotRegex(self, text, unexpected_regex, msg=None)
     |      Fail the test if the text matches the regular expression.
     |  assertNotRegexpMatches = deprecated_func(*args, **kwargs)
     |  assertRaises(self, expected_exception, *args, **kwargs)
     |      Fail unless an exception of class expected_exception is raised
     |      by the callable when invoked with specified positional and
     |      keyword arguments. If a different type of exception is
     |      raised, it will not be caught, and the test case will be
     |      deemed to have suffered an error, exactly as for an
     |      unexpected exception.
     |      If called with the callable and arguments omitted, will return a
     |      context object used like this::
     |           with self.assertRaises(SomeException):
     |               do_something()
     |      An optional keyword argument 'msg' can be provided when assertRaises
     |      is used as a context object.
     |      The context manager keeps a reference to the exception as
     |      the 'exception' attribute. This allows you to inspect the
     |      exception after the assertion::
     |          with self.assertRaises(SomeException) as cm:
     |              do_something()
     |          the_exception = cm.exception
     |          self.assertEqual(the_exception.error_code, 3)
     |  assertRaisesRegex(self, expected_exception, expected_regex, *args, **kwargs)
     |      Asserts that the message in a raised exception matches a regex.
     |      Args:
     |          expected_exception: Exception class expected to be raised.
     |          expected_regex: Regex (re.Pattern object or string) expected
     |                  to be found in error message.
     |          args: Function to be called and extra positional args.
     |          kwargs: Extra kwargs.
     |          msg: Optional message used in case of failure. Can only be used
     |                  when assertRaisesRegex is used as a context manager.
     |  assertRaisesRegexp = deprecated_func(*args, **kwargs)
     |  assertRegex(self, text, expected_regex, msg=None)
     |      Fail the test unless the text matches the regular expression.
     |  assertRegexpMatches = deprecated_func(*args, **kwargs)
     |  assertSequenceEqual(self, seq1, seq2, msg=None, seq_type=None)
     |      An equality assertion for ordered sequences (like lists and tuples).
     |      For the purposes of this function, a valid ordered sequence type is one
     |      which can be indexed, has a length, and has an equality operator.
     |      Args:
     |          seq1: The first sequence to compare.
     |          seq2: The second sequence to compare.
     |          seq_type: The expected datatype of the sequences, or None if no
     |                  datatype should be enforced.
     |          msg: Optional message to use on failure instead of a list of
     |                  differences.
     |  assertSetEqual(self, set1, set2, msg=None)
     |      A set-specific equality assertion.
     |      Args:
     |          set1: The first set to compare.
     |          set2: The second set to compare.
     |          msg: Optional message to use on failure instead of a list of
     |                  differences.
     |      assertSetEqual uses ducktyping to support different types of sets, and
     |      is optimized for sets specifically (parameters must support a
     |      difference method).
     |  assertTrue(self, expr, msg=None)
     |      Check that the expression is true.
     |  assertTupleEqual(self, tuple1, tuple2, msg=None)
     |      A tuple-specific equality assertion.
     |      Args:
     |          tuple1: The first tuple to compare.
     |          tuple2: The second tuple to compare.
     |          msg: Optional message to use on failure instead of a list of
     |                  differences.
     |  assertWarns(self, expected_warning, *args, **kwargs)
     |      Fail unless a warning of class warnClass is triggered
     |      by the callable when invoked with specified positional and
     |      keyword arguments.  If a different type of warning is
     |      triggered, it will not be handled: depending on the other
     |      warning filtering rules in effect, it might be silenced, printed
     |      out, or raised as an exception.
     |      If called with the callable and arguments omitted, will return a
     |      context object used like this::
     |           with self.assertWarns(SomeWarning):
     |               do_something()
     |      An optional keyword argument 'msg' can be provided when assertWarns
     |      is used as a context object.
     |      The context manager keeps a reference to the first matching
     |      warning as the 'warning' attribute; similarly, the 'filename'
     |      and 'lineno' attributes give you information about the line
     |      of Python code from which the warning was triggered.
     |      This allows you to inspect the warning after the assertion::
     |          with self.assertWarns(SomeWarning) as cm:
     |              do_something()
     |          the_warning = cm.warning
     |          self.assertEqual(the_warning.some_attribute, 147)
     |  assertWarnsRegex(self, expected_warning, expected_regex, *args, **kwargs)
     |      Asserts that the message in a triggered warning matches a regexp.
     |      Basic functioning is similar to assertWarns() with the addition
     |      that only warnings whose messages also match the regular expression
     |      are considered successful matches.
     |      Args:
     |          expected_warning: Warning class expected to be triggered.
     |          expected_regex: Regex (re.Pattern object or string) expected
     |                  to be found in error message.
     |          args: Function to be called and extra positional args.
     |          kwargs: Extra kwargs.
     |          msg: Optional message used in case of failure. Can only be used
     |                  when assertWarnsRegex is used as a context manager.
     |  assert_ = deprecated_func(*args, **kwargs)
     |  countTestCases(self)
     |  debug(self)
     |      Run the test without collecting errors in a TestResult
     |  defaultTestResult(self)
     |  doCleanups(self)
     |      Execute all cleanup functions. Normally called for you after
     |      tearDown.
     |  fail(self, msg=None)
     |      Fail immediately, with the given message.
     |  failIf = deprecated_func(*args, **kwargs)
     |  failIfAlmostEqual = deprecated_func(*args, **kwargs)
     |  failIfEqual = deprecated_func(*args, **kwargs)
     |  failUnless = deprecated_func(*args, **kwargs)
     |  failUnlessAlmostEqual = deprecated_func(*args, **kwargs)
     |  failUnlessEqual = deprecated_func(*args, **kwargs)
     |  failUnlessRaises = deprecated_func(*args, **kwargs)
     |  id(self)
     |  run(self, result=None)
     |  setUp(self)
     |      Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.
     |  shortDescription(self)
     |      Returns a one-line description of the test, or None if no
     |      description has been provided.
     |      The default implementation of this method returns the first line of
     |      the specified test method's docstring.
     |  skipTest(self, reason)
     |      Skip this test.
     |  subTest(self, msg=<object object at 0x0000029962766170>, **params)
     |      Return a context manager that will return the enclosed block
     |      of code in a subtest identified by the optional message and
     |      keyword parameters.  A failure in the subtest marks the test
     |      case as failed but resumes execution at the end of the enclosed
     |      block, allowing further test code to be executed.
     |  tearDown(self)
     |      Hook method for deconstructing the test fixture after testing it.
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Class methods defined here:
     |  setUpClass() from builtins.type
     |      Hook method for setting up class fixture before running tests in the class.
     |  tearDownClass() from builtins.type
     |      Hook method for deconstructing the class fixture after running all tests in the class.
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data descriptors defined here:
     |  __dict__
     |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
     |  __weakref__
     |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data and other attributes defined here:
     |  failureException = <class 'AssertionError'>
     |      Assertion failed.
     |  longMessage = True
     |  maxDiff = 640
    class TestLoader(builtins.object)
     |  This class is responsible for loading tests according to various criteria
     |  and returning them wrapped in a TestSuite
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  __init__(self)
     |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
     |  discover(self, start_dir, pattern='test*.py', top_level_dir=None)
     |      Find and return all test modules from the specified start
     |      directory, recursing into subdirectories to find them and return all
     |      tests found within them. Only test files that match the pattern will
     |      be loaded. (Using shell style pattern matching.)
     |      All test modules must be importable from the top level of the project.
     |      If the start directory is not the top level directory then the top
     |      level directory must be specified separately.
     |      If a test package name (directory with '__init__.py') matches the
     |      pattern then the package will be checked for a 'load_tests' function. If
     |      this exists then it will be called with (loader, tests, pattern) unless
     |      the package has already had load_tests called from the same discovery
     |      invocation, in which case the package module object is not scanned for
     |      tests - this ensures that when a package uses discover to further
     |      discover child tests that infinite recursion does not happen.
     |      If load_tests exists then discovery does *not* recurse into the package,
     |      load_tests is responsible for loading all tests in the package.
     |      The pattern is deliberately not stored as a loader attribute so that
     |      packages can continue discovery themselves. top_level_dir is stored so
     |      load_tests does not need to pass this argument in to loader.discover().
     |      Paths are sorted before being imported to ensure reproducible execution
     |      order even on filesystems with non-alphabetical ordering like ext3/4.
     |  getTestCaseNames(self, testCaseClass)
     |      Return a sorted sequence of method names found within testCaseClass
     |  loadTestsFromModule(self, module, *args, pattern=None, **kws)
     |      Return a suite of all test cases contained in the given module
     |  loadTestsFromName(self, name, module=None)
     |      Return a suite of all test cases given a string specifier.
     |      The name may resolve either to a module, a test case class, a
     |      test method within a test case class, or a callable object which
     |      returns a TestCase or TestSuite instance.
     |      The method optionally resolves the names relative to a given module.
     |  loadTestsFromNames(self, names, module=None)
     |      Return a suite of all test cases found using the given sequence
     |      of string specifiers. See 'loadTestsFromName()'.
     |  loadTestsFromTestCase(self, testCaseClass)
     |      Return a suite of all test cases contained in testCaseClass
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Static methods defined here:
     |  sortTestMethodsUsing = three_way_cmp(x, y)
     |      Return -1 if x < y, 0 if x == y and 1 if x > y
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data descriptors defined here:
     |  __dict__
     |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
     |  __weakref__
     |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data and other attributes defined here:
     |  suiteClass = <class 'unittest.suite.TestSuite'>
     |      A test suite is a composite test consisting of a number of TestCases.
     |      For use, create an instance of TestSuite, then add test case instances.
     |      When all tests have been added, the suite can be passed to a test
     |      runner, such as TextTestRunner. It will run the individual test cases
     |      in the order in which they were added, aggregating the results. When
     |      subclassing, do not forget to call the base class constructor.
     |  testMethodPrefix = 'test'
     |  testNamePatterns = None
    class TestResult(builtins.object)
     |  TestResult(stream=None, descriptions=None, verbosity=None)
     |  Holder for test result information.
     |  Test results are automatically managed by the TestCase and TestSuite
     |  classes, and do not need to be explicitly manipulated by writers of tests.
     |  Each instance holds the total number of tests run, and collections of
     |  failures and errors that occurred among those test runs. The collections
     |  contain tuples of (testcase, exceptioninfo), where exceptioninfo is the
     |  formatted traceback of the error that occurred.
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  __init__(self, stream=None, descriptions=None, verbosity=None)
     |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
     |  __repr__(self)
     |      Return repr(self).
     |  addError(self, test, err)
     |      Called when an error has occurred. 'err' is a tuple of values as
     |      returned by sys.exc_info().
     |  addExpectedFailure(self, test, err)
     |      Called when an expected failure/error occurred.
     |  addFailure(self, test, err)
     |      Called when an error has occurred. 'err' is a tuple of values as
     |      returned by sys.exc_info().
     |  addSkip(self, test, reason)
     |      Called when a test is skipped.
     |  addSubTest(self, test, subtest, err)
     |      Called at the end of a subtest.
     |      'err' is None if the subtest ended successfully, otherwise it's a
     |      tuple of values as returned by sys.exc_info().
     |  addSuccess(self, test)
     |      Called when a test has completed successfully
     |  addUnexpectedSuccess(self, test)
     |      Called when a test was expected to fail, but succeed.
     |  printErrors(self)
     |      Called by TestRunner after test run
     |  startTest(self, test)
     |      Called when the given test is about to be run
     |  startTestRun(self)
     |      Called once before any tests are executed.
     |      See startTest for a method called before each test.
     |  stop(self)
     |      Indicates that the tests should be aborted.
     |  stopTest(self, test)
     |      Called when the given test has been run
     |  stopTestRun(self)
     |      Called once after all tests are executed.
     |      See stopTest for a method called after each test.
     |  wasSuccessful(self)
     |      Tells whether or not this result was a success.
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data descriptors defined here:
     |  __dict__
     |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
     |  __weakref__
     |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
    class TestSuite(BaseTestSuite)
     |  TestSuite(tests=())
     |  A test suite is a composite test consisting of a number of TestCases.
     |  For use, create an instance of TestSuite, then add test case instances.
     |  When all tests have been added, the suite can be passed to a test
     |  runner, such as TextTestRunner. It will run the individual test cases
     |  in the order in which they were added, aggregating the results. When
     |  subclassing, do not forget to call the base class constructor.
     |  Method resolution order:
     |      TestSuite
     |      BaseTestSuite
     |      builtins.object
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  debug(self)
     |      Run the tests without collecting errors in a TestResult
     |  run(self, result, debug=False)
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Methods inherited from BaseTestSuite:
     |  __call__(self, *args, **kwds)
     |      Call self as a function.
     |  __eq__(self, other)
     |      Return self==value.
     |  __init__(self, tests=())
     |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
     |  __iter__(self)
     |  __repr__(self)
     |      Return repr(self).
     |  addTest(self, test)
     |  addTests(self, tests)
     |  countTestCases(self)
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data descriptors inherited from BaseTestSuite:
     |  __dict__
     |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
     |  __weakref__
     |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data and other attributes inherited from BaseTestSuite:
     |  __hash__ = None
    class TextTestResult(unittest.result.TestResult)
     |  TextTestResult(stream, descriptions, verbosity)
     |  A test result class that can print formatted text results to a stream.
     |  Used by TextTestRunner.
     |  Method resolution order:
     |      TextTestResult
     |      unittest.result.TestResult
     |      builtins.object
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  __init__(self, stream, descriptions, verbosity)
     |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
     |  addError(self, test, err)
     |      Called when an error has occurred. 'err' is a tuple of values as
     |      returned by sys.exc_info().
     |  addExpectedFailure(self, test, err)
     |      Called when an expected failure/error occurred.
     |  addFailure(self, test, err)
     |      Called when an error has occurred. 'err' is a tuple of values as
     |      returned by sys.exc_info().
     |  addSkip(self, test, reason)
     |      Called when a test is skipped.
     |  addSuccess(self, test)
     |      Called when a test has completed successfully
     |  addUnexpectedSuccess(self, test)
     |      Called when a test was expected to fail, but succeed.
     |  getDescription(self, test)
     |  printErrorList(self, flavour, errors)
     |  printErrors(self)
     |      Called by TestRunner after test run
     |  startTest(self, test)
     |      Called when the given test is about to be run
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data and other attributes defined here:
     |  separator1 = '========================================================...
     |  separator2 = '--------------------------------------------------------...
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Methods inherited from unittest.result.TestResult:
     |  __repr__(self)
     |      Return repr(self).
     |  addSubTest(self, test, subtest, err)
     |      Called at the end of a subtest.
     |      'err' is None if the subtest ended successfully, otherwise it's a
     |      tuple of values as returned by sys.exc_info().
     |  startTestRun(self)
     |      Called once before any tests are executed.
     |      See startTest for a method called before each test.
     |  stop(self)
     |      Indicates that the tests should be aborted.
     |  stopTest(self, test)
     |      Called when the given test has been run
     |  stopTestRun(self)
     |      Called once after all tests are executed.
     |      See stopTest for a method called after each test.
     |  wasSuccessful(self)
     |      Tells whether or not this result was a success.
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data descriptors inherited from unittest.result.TestResult:
     |  __dict__
     |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
     |  __weakref__
     |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
    class TextTestRunner(builtins.object)
     |  TextTestRunner(stream=None, descriptions=True, verbosity=1, failfast=False, buffer=False, resultclass=None, warnings=None, *, tb_locals=False)
     |  A test runner class that displays results in textual form.
     |  It prints out the names of tests as they are run, errors as they
     |  occur, and a summary of the results at the end of the test run.
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  __init__(self, stream=None, descriptions=True, verbosity=1, failfast=False, buffer=False, resultclass=None, warnings=None, *, tb_locals=False)
     |      Construct a TextTestRunner.
     |      Subclasses should accept **kwargs to ensure compatibility as the
     |      interface changes.
     |  run(self, test)
     |      Run the given test case or test suite.
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data descriptors defined here:
     |  __dict__
     |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
     |  __weakref__
     |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data and other attributes defined here:
     |  resultclass = <class 'unittest.runner.TextTestResult'>
     |      A test result class that can print formatted text results to a stream.
     |      Used by TextTestRunner.
    main = class TestProgram(builtins.object)
     |  main(module='__main__', defaultTest=None, argv=None, testRunner=None, testLoader=<unittest.loader.TestLoader object at 0x0000029962B03DD8>, exit=True, verbosity=1, failfast=None, catchbreak=None, buffer=None, warnings=None, *, tb_locals=False)
     |  A command-line program that runs a set of tests; this is primarily
     |  for making test modules conveniently executable.
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  __init__(self, module='__main__', defaultTest=None, argv=None, testRunner=None, testLoader=<unittest.loader.TestLoader object at 0x0000029962B03DD8>, exit=True, verbosity=1, failfast=None, catchbreak=None, buffer=None, warnings=None, *, tb_locals=False)
     |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
     |  createTests(self, from_discovery=False, Loader=None)
     |  parseArgs(self, argv)
     |  runTests(self)
     |  usageExit(self, msg=None)
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data descriptors defined here:
     |  __dict__
     |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
     |  __weakref__
     |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data and other attributes defined here:
     |  buffer = None
     |  catchbreak = None
     |  failfast = None
     |  module = None
     |  progName = None
     |  testNamePatterns = None
     |  verbosity = 1
     |  warnings = None

    findTestCases(module, prefix='test', sortUsing=<function three_way_cmp at 0x0000029962ABDC80>, suiteClass=<class 'unittest.suite.TestSuite'>)
    getTestCaseNames(testCaseClass, prefix, sortUsing=<function three_way_cmp at 0x0000029962ABDC80>, testNamePatterns=None)
    makeSuite(testCaseClass, prefix='test', sortUsing=<function three_way_cmp at 0x0000029962ABDC80>, suiteClass=<class 'unittest.suite.TestSuite'>)
        Unconditionally skip a test.
    skipIf(condition, reason)
        Skip a test if the condition is true.
    skipUnless(condition, reason)
        Skip a test unless the condition is true.

    __all__ = ['TestResult', 'TestCase', 'TestSuite', 'TextTestRunner', 'T...
    defaultTestLoader = <unittest.loader.TestLoader object>


In [33]:
import unittest
class testDivisibleParDeux (unittest.TestCase):
    def test_estPair(self):
    def test_diviseur(self):
        self.assertEqual(diviseurs(120),[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 24, 30, 40, 60, 120])
if __name__== '__main__':
    import unittest
    # unittest.main() commande classique qui ne fonctionne pas sous jupyter
    unittest.main(argv=['first-arg-is-ignored'], exit=False) # commande qui fonctionne sous jupyter
Ran 2 tests in 0.003s


Ecrire des tests pour chacune des fonctions (estPair(), transforme(), estDivisiblePar3(); estDivisiblePar5(), diviseurs())

Des tests avec doctest de python

Le module doctest utilise les docstrings pour organiser les tests. Vous trouverez l'exemple traité dans le chapitre modularité.

In [31]:

def est_pair(a) :
    """ Teste si un nombre entier est pair par le reste de la division entière entre le nombre et 2.
    :paramètre a: entier (int)
    :return :un booléen (boolean) , True si a est pair, False sinon

    CU : a >= 0

    >>> est_pair(6)
    >>> est_pair(0)
    >>> est_pair(1)
    >>> est_pair(-4)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    AssertionError: l'argument doit être un entier positif
    assert(a>=0 and type(a)==int), "l'argument doit être un entier positif"

    if a % 2 == 0 : test = True
    else : test = False

    return test
In [28]:
doctest.testmod(verbose=True) # Pour avoir le compte rendu
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    AssertionError: l'argument doit être un entier positif
8 items had no tests:
1 items passed all tests:
   4 tests in __main__.est_pair
4 tests in 9 items.
4 passed and 0 failed.
Test passed.
TestResults(failed=0, attempted=4)
In [30]:
# Commande à indiquer à la fin du fichier pour que le test se fasse automatiquement

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import doctest
    doctest.testmod() # Il n'y aura pas de compte rendu

Ecrire des tests pour chacune des fonctions (estPair(), transforme(), estDivisiblePar3(); estDivisiblePar5(), diviseurs())

In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]: